Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Helen Keller

The 4th International Conference on Sustainability Education is being organized on 9th and 10th September in hybrid mode on the theme ‘Building Connections and Partnerships for Sustainable Future’ which will provide opportunities to work together, make connections and strengthen partnerships for a promising tomorrow.

ICSE with its past 3 versions of experience has emerged as a broad-based platform for networking and partnership and its convening and integrative potential can bring forward new and innovative ideas and connections to further strengthen the much-needed alliance among the community of educators committed towards sustainability. Since partnerships hold the potential to become a viable mechanism to strengthen sustainability education in a way that complement our actions, ICSE 2022 has been planned keeping in mind the strong urge to build connections and partnerships both for building interpersonal relationship among learners and educators as well as sharing learnings and experiences to build back a better and sustainable post covid world.

The conference is expected to bring together around 300 participants physically (250 Indians + 50 Foreigners) and will be joined by thousands virtually from across the globe representing multi-disciplinary and diverse group of stakeholders including: policy makers, teachers and educators, young professionals, representative of schools and education networks, youth, scientists and technical experts, as well as individuals from the private sector and civil society. The conference will be graced by distinguished dignitaries via 5 plenary sessions including inauguration and closing ceremony. There will be sessions for contributed papers and posters from diverse fields and professions. Presentations and discussions will be organized in the form of panel interaction, working groups, workshops, symposia, round table by ICSE partners in the form of 10 parallel thematic sessions in 2 days. There will be a special plenary for Youth4Earth campaign winners and young professionals. The Conference will also facilitate display of exhibits, stalls, projects and practices by partners and delegates to showcase their work towards sustainability.

ICSE 2022

Program Schedule

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